Marine EM Remote Sensing (MEMRS®) Surveying Method
Marine EM Remote Sensing (MEMRS®) Surveying Method
MEMRS® offshore exploration consists of a very high moment onshore transmitter with a large array of offshore and onshore electric and magnetic field receiver. There are several advantages over traditional marine exploration techniques.
Provides marine EM sensing service at only 30% the cost of conventional CSEM.
The receiver deployment requires a much smaller vessel than a conventional CSEM vessel thereby minimizing vessel costs per day.
The method utilizes a rapid system for the deployment and recovery of the receivers. This significantly reduces the time.
The MEMRS® source transmission time is significantly less than the typical CSEM source transmission time.
With a swifter survey methodology and a lower cost base, sub-surface resistivity images up to 30km from the coastline can be more cost-effectively acquired with MEMRS® than with more traditional nodal CSEM methods and access the nearshore environment, unlike streamer CSEM.
A longer transmitter bipole and greater stacking times provide better data quality.
TechnoImaging exclusively can provide this service (US Patent No. 7,969,152; International patents are pending)