Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) has been developing the proper geophysical interpretation technology for exploration and appraisal of geothermal resources in Japan, and has conducted a wide variety of geophysical surveys in Yamagawa geothermal field, Japan
Geophysical data acquired in Yamagawa geothermal field:
- Magnetotelluric data
- Gravity data
- Magnetic data
- Seismic data
Magnetotelluric (MT) data:
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization
(NEDO) acquired
- Total 134 stations (red)
- Impedance tensors processed using remote reference station data
40 frequencies from 0.00055 to 374 Hz
Ibusuki City acquired in 2015
- Total 25 stations (blue)
- 40 frequencies from 0.00034 to 320 Hz
Gravity and Magnetic Data:
Seismic Data
3D seismic reflection and refraction data acquired by JOGMEC in 2013
3D seismic velocity model
Seismic surfaces
- Top of Nansatsu formation
- Top of Dacite
- Near-surface high velocity volume
Seismic surfaces
Seismic velocity modal