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TechnoImaging at the International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, IMAGE ’23

By September 13, 2023September 15th, 2023No Comments

Houston, Texas

August 28 – September 1, 2023

TechnoImaging participated in the IMAGE ’23 meeting organized by SEG, AAPG, in
conjunction with SEPM ( ).

IMAGE ’23 has been designed and built by industry professionals as the place for geoscientists,
energy professionals, and thought leaders to meet and shape the future of applied geosciences
and energy.

Leif Cox and Michael Zhdanov presented the paper “SQUID TEM method for geothermal
resource exploration: a case study in Southern Sumatra, Indonesia,” in collaboration with
researchers from SUSTEC (Japan).

TechnoImaging, along with the University of Utah and Simcoe Geoscience, have organized an
induced polarization (IP) workshop at IMAGE ’23 in Houston. In this workshop, we have
discussed a broad spectrum of topics, including physical principles of IP method, innovative IP
data acquisition systems for airborne, ground and borehole measurements, advances in IP
modeling and inversion, and exciting new case histories. The workshop was also focused on
recent advances in airborne IP studies. There were contributions from the mining industry,
service companies, environmental firms, and academia.
airborne-induced-polarization-methods-for-mineral-exploration )